GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $2400 CAD was donated in April, 2024. As always, the donation is directed to the elephant research team. This year the proceeds consisted of cash donations together with portable hard drives to assist with ongoing monitoring of the orphans at both the release facility and the nursery.
We were pleased to once again have the opportunity to visit the nursery in May, 2024, this time at their newly established location in Lusaka National Park. As always, we were blown away by the amazing work this team does and the care, love and dedication they put into ensuring these stunning little creatures have a second chance.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $1710 CAD was donated in March of 2023. As always, the donation is directed to the elephant research team. This year the proceeds will used for the purchase of new video equipment, which is vital for the ongoing monitoring of the orphans.
A welcome return of the Vancouver Christmas Market, our main source of income, resulted in year more like every year prior to 2020, and as such, we have exceeded previous year's donations by a small amount.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $1055.53 USD was donated in June of 2022. This year the donation will be used by the research department to purchase removable camouflage netting that will be part of a visitor impact study that will monitor the impact of visitor density and behaviour on orphan behaviour and boma space use.
The COVID-19 pandemic led to the absence of in person markets in 2020 and as a result, had a catastrophic influence on our sales. We are forever grateful to those who did find us, and thanks to them, managed to at least make a small donation to both organizations we support.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $135.00 ($102.03USD) was raised and has been donated and will be used towards the purchase of research equipment for the Kafue Release Facility
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $1037.00 was raised and has been donated to the research department of GRI where the donation will go to pay for the export and analysis of dung samples from a translocation study of two young calves, Mkaliva and Kasewe, from the nursury outside Lusaka to the release facility at Kafue National Park.
Sea Legacy:$155.00 was raised through 10% of the proceeds from the sale of our Little Ndaba Manzi Seapod Collection.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $725.00 (donated Feb 13, 2019) Donations were in the form of a video recording and media storage package for the research department to assist with vital data collection and behavioural observations at the Kafue Release Facility.
AERU - African Elephant Research Unit: ZAR1200.00 (120.00 CAD) Donation presented to Matriarch Sally while spending time with the research team on my annual visit in in January, 2019.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $716.00 (donated as of Feb, 2018) Donations will contribute to the purchase of formula for milk dependent orphans. Donation was made to David Shepard Foundation in UK, at which point it was forwarded onto GRI.
African Elephant Research Unit: $75.00 (donated on behalf of the grade 2 classes at St. John's School in Vancouver. Donations contributed directly towards AERU's elephant enrichment program.
GRI Elephant Orphan Project: $400.00
Gibson's Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre : $65.00
The Animal Project: Donation of 100 scooby wire keychains to an inspirational group of girls at St. John's School, Vancouver who raised $609.50 at a school fundraiser, which they donated to WWF to aid endangered species.